You are here: Contacts > Manage and create prospects > Modify a prospect's search criteria

Modify a prospect's search criteria

To revise a prospect's search criteria

  1. From the Contacts menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
  2. Locate the appropriate prospect. You can use the Search function at the top of the page to search either by name or by prospect code.
  3. Click the icon next to the prospect's name. Click the Revise Criteria link in the second row that displays. If there is more than one search for your prospect, a separate row of links will display for each search.
  4. Make the desired criteria changes in the search criteria page.
  5. Optional: Click the "Preview Count" link near the top of the page to see how many listings match your criteria. If the number is too high, modify your criteria to narrow down the search. If the number is acceptable, click View Results to save your criteria. The search results are automatically added to your prospect's Newly Matched listings.
  6. If you did not click Preview Count: To save your criteria, click the Search button in the MLS toolbar. The search results are automatically added to your prospect's Newly Matched listings.

NOTE: You can also modify a prospect's search criteria from their Prospect Cart by selecting the icon that displays next to the prospect's name near the upper-right corner of the page.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Contacts & Prospects" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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